Today I went to see my access log report (even if I don’t use Google Analytics, I still have complete access to server logs, and I analyze anomalous patterns) and I found this:

??? Nobody uses UC Browser outside China!
I go to see visitor log:

What happends, suddenly the Naruto karaoke become popular in China? I read more details:
(Green: IP addresses, pink: device; yellow: browser)
The IP addresses in the log file aren’t the actual ones, they’re from CloudFlare, a proxy between this site and the Internet. The real addresses are for example (Shenzhen), (Tianjin), (Jiangsu).
What can be the odds? Either there are thousands of chinese with a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 interested in Naruto karaoke (but they close the page before reading it), either UCweb is doing a “micro-DDOS” to my server, they need to get that specific page (only that page!!!) every few minutes. They’re not identificating themselves as a bot like Google, Bing and the rest of the world is doing, but they pretend to be a Samsung Galaxy Note 2
I hate this abusive behaviour, so I will redirect every visit from a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with UCBrowser, to
Update 9 september: I thought that banning only Galaxy Note 2 with UC Browser (meaning: only bots) was enough, but they just updated their bot. Ok, so, ANYONE using UC Browser is now banned 😡💢