The real flick keyboard

As an April Fool’s Google Japan made a Flick physical keyboard.


Designed for those who, accustomed to a flick keyboard on Android / iOS, is no longer able to use one for traditional computers. The website introduces it very well, even though he exaggerates with the functionality, with a laser tracking system that would look unrealistic even in science fiction movies.

What’s really interesting thing is that they made available the source code: one could actually make this keyboard at home with Arduino, although it lacks a fundamental thing: the files for the 3D printer. Yes, I can recreate it at home, but the little box and cute keys? You have to design them yourself.

With the “recipe” that have published, what comes out is something like this:


Which it is quite different than the cool prototype shown in the video.

However, it works. With 12 analog nubs from a PS2 pad, they convert the 24 analog inputs to digital using three MCP3208 ICs, using only 5 digital inputs on the arduino nano, while the nub click is directly connected to the remaining 12 digital/analog inputs. After that, the program communicates via serial port with a card, and is seen as a bluetooth keyboard.

Despite the cool looking prototype, in my opinion it’s actually awkward to use. If each key is using a PS2 analog stick, the click is much harder than one key on a standard keyboard, ok, maybe you can write a sentence, but a longer text? Best wishes!

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Only in Japan: color-shifting bras

E-ink screens are on the market from many years. They use less energy, and are quite flexible, so Triumph used them to make an innnovative bra that can change its color from white to black. Just activate the switch and BOOM, color change!

Enough with words, the video shows the action much better.

This is the “sisters” kit (姉妹 – Shimai) inspired from Frozen – where the elder one gets the 姉 (Ane, elder sister) and the younger gets the 妹 (Imouto, younger sister). When they’re nearby, BAM, the bra can change color.

This other video shows more:

Anyways, it looks like the screen is not flexible enough for the shape, they separated it in two halves and it still looks too hard. (Maybe that’s why they chose skinny models?)

Fonte: Kyodo News

Emoji on Windows 7!

emoji updateistartedsomething let me know that, thanks to the update 2729094, finally Microsoft added the japanese emoji in Windows 7!!!

What are the emoji? It is a set of smileys and symbols very popular in japanese messages. It is gaining popularity in western countries as the iPhone made simple to use them.

Once installed the update, go to the test page to check if you can see them (not all are supported).

I was waiting this from years!

Shame on Microsoft to describe the update as “Install this to solve problems in Windows”.

I wonder if Microsoft has ever see how Apple behaves. Ma in Microsoft hanno mai visto come fa Apple? Why write solve problems, while a new feature is added??? Why not write “new emoji feature added”???

In this way it looks like Windows has a lot of problems, every month it requires a dozen of patches to fix them…

A Javascript code that looks like Japanese smileys

What do you see here?

゚ω゚ノ= /`m´)ノ ~┻━┻   //*´∇`*/ [‘_’]; o=(゚ー゚)  =_=3; c=(゚Θ゚) =(゚ー゚)-(゚ー゚); (゚Д゚) =(゚Θ゚)= (o^_^o)/ (o^_^o);(゚Д゚)={゚Θ゚: ‘_’ ,゚ω゚ノ : ((゚ω゚ノ==3) +’_’) [゚Θ゚] ,゚ー゚ノ :(゚ω゚ノ+ ‘_’)[o^_^o -(゚Θ゚)] ,゚Д゚ノ:((゚ー゚==3) +’_’)[゚ー゚] }; (゚Д゚) [゚Θ゚] =((゚ω゚ノ==3) +’_’) [c^_^o];(゚Д゚) [‘c’] = ((゚Д゚)+’_’) [ (゚ー゚)+(゚ー゚)-(゚Θ゚) ];(゚Д゚) [‘o’] = ((゚Д゚)+’_’) [゚Θ゚];(゚o゚)=(゚Д゚) [‘c’]+(゚Д゚) [‘o’]+(゚ω゚ノ +’_’)[゚Θ゚]+ ((゚ω゚ノ==3) +’_’) [゚ー゚] + ((゚Д゚) +’_’) [(゚ー゚)+(゚ー゚)]+ ((゚ー゚==3) +’_’) [゚Θ゚]+((゚ー゚==3) +’_’) [(゚ー゚) – (゚Θ゚)]+(゚Д゚) [‘c’]+((゚Д゚)+’_’) [(゚ー゚)+(゚ー゚)]+ (゚Д゚) [‘o’]+((゚ー゚==3) +’_’) [゚Θ゚];(゚Д゚) [‘_’] =(o^_^o) [゚o゚] [゚o゚];(゚ε゚)=((゚ー゚==3) +’_’) [゚Θ゚]+ (゚Д゚) .゚Д゚ノ+((゚Д゚)+’_’) [(゚ー゚) + (゚ー゚)]+((゚ー゚==3) +’_’) [o^_^o -゚Θ゚]+((゚ー゚==3) +’_’) [゚Θ゚]+ (゚ω゚ノ +’_’) [゚Θ゚]; (゚ー゚)+=(゚Θ゚); (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]=’\\’; (゚Д゚).゚Θ゚ノ=(゚Д゚+ ゚ー゚)[o^_^o -(゚Θ゚)];(o゚ー゚o)=(゚ω゚ノ +’_’)[c^_^o];(゚Д゚) [゚o゚]=’\”‘;(゚Д゚) [‘_’] ( (゚Д゚) [‘_’] (゚ε゚+(゚Д゚)[゚o゚]+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ (゚ー゚)+ (゚Θ゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ ((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+ (゚ー゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ (゚ー゚)+ ((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ ((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+ ((o^_^o) – (゚Θ゚))+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ ((o^_^o) +(o^_^o))+ (゚ー゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+ (c^_^o)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+ ((o^_^o) – (゚Θ゚))+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ (c^_^o)+ (o^_^o)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ ((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+ (゚Θ゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ (゚ー゚)+ (゚Θ゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚Θ゚)+ ((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+ ((゚ー゚) + (o^_^o))+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+ (゚Θ゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+(゚ー゚)+ ((o^_^o) – (゚Θ゚))+ (゚Д゚)[゚ε゚]+((゚ー゚) + (゚Θ゚))+ (゚Θ゚)+ (゚Д゚)[゚o゚]) (゚Θ゚)) (‘_’);

It may look like a random array of kaomoji, the japanese smileys like (o^_^o) , (゚ー゚) , ゚ω゚ノ , *´∇`* or this monkey head (゚Θ゚); instead it’s real Javascript code, and you can run it by, clicking here.

Awesome, right?

You can find the obfuscator here:

Also, from the same website there is also one that only uses []()!+ and another one that makes stuff like this:


A semi-automatic sandwich vending shop in Tokyo

How could a small sandwich shop in a big city like Tokyo offer something new, with big shops and vending machines everywhere?

Becoming a “diy” vending shop!

What a cute idea!

According to the this review, it’s open from 11.30 am to 9.00 pm and it’s far from Tokyo downtown. But’s it’s cool:

Tateishi Burger (立石バーガー)
Address: Tokyo-to, Katsushika-ku, Horikiri 3-17-15 (東京都葛飾区堀切3-17-15)
Open 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m.

3d cellphones are coming!

Take a look to the new “WOOO” cellphone from au, Japanese mobile operator:


It has many awesome features:

  • Pivoting screen to show movies
  • DTV tuner with recording option
  • 5 megapixel camera
  • On-demand video, bluetooth audio streaming, microsd reader, “electronic wallet” feature, push mail, etc…

But, in Japan, this is “quite normal” features for a cellphone. 😎
The unique feature for this cellphone is the display!!! It is made by Hitachi, and it is an autostereoscopic 3d!! That means it can show 3d images without wearing any special glasses!!! 🙀
How it works? I saw a working example at the Shibuya NHK museum when i went to Japan in May 2008. 😜
Have you ever seen a lenticular image? That’s it, the concept is very similar, there is a pixel column that only the left eye can see, and another pixel column that only the right eye can see. The effect is spectacular!! That’s why it is named “WOOO” 😉
This opens great scenarios for gaming! The PSP will be outdated! 🎮

But… there is a small flaw in this system… if the head is slightly moving, the effect will vanish. The head must be stationary… it will be impossible to use this cellphone on a train or bus. However, at the Hitachi company, they know this defect, so this cellphone has a button to disable the 3d vision, and come back to the plain old 2d. 😁

Stop! I know you are planning a trip to Japan to buy this phone! Unfortunately you can’t: it is sold contract-only and it will only work on the Japanese CDMA2000 standard from au… 😭